Monday, April 23, 2007


Britney Spears is considering quitting pop music to be a stay-at-home mom.The 'Toxic' singer is said to be dreading the prospect of re-launching her career because she cannot bear to be apart from her sons, 19-month-old Sean Preston and seven-month-old Jayden James.The star allegedly confessed her worries while shopping for her boys at Los Angeles children's store, Glen Kids at the Glen Centre. A source told website X17 Online: "Britney said that Sean and Jayden are the loves of her life and that she enjoys every moment with her kids."She was excited to pick out some new clothes for the boys and she picked up some designer jeans and other items."Britney even talked about being a stay-at-home mom, saying that she loves it and that because of her boys, she's not looking forward to going back to work!"Britney filed for divorce from Kevin Federline in November last year, just weeks after giving birth to Jayden James. She then embarked on a spell of wild partying before a very public breakdown, which saw her shave her head and check into rehab. But since leaving Malibu's Promises Centre she has been back in the recording studio and regularly ateending dance classes, working on her pop comeback.

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Saturday, April 21, 2007


Britney Spears' father believes she has only herself to blame if she loses custody of her sons and fails to revive her career. James Spears has written an open e-mail to her former manager LarryRudolph - who the singer fired last Friday - apologising for her behaviour and thanking him for all he tried to do for the singer. Britney's dad wrote: "When Larry Rudolph talked Britney into going into rehab, he was doing what her mother, father and team of professionals with over 100 years of experience knew needed to be done. She was out of control. Larry was the one chosen by the team to roll up his sleeves and deliver the message, to help save her life."The Spears family would like to publicly apologise to Larry for our daughter's statements about him over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, she blames him and her family for where she is at today with her kids and career. Larry has always been there for Britney. For this, we will forever be grateful to him."Britney has responded by saying her father has never understood her. In a statement released through her representative, she said: "I am praying for my father. We have never had a good relationship. It's sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman's love. I am concentrating on my work and my life right now."The 'Toxic' singer was reportedly ashamed she had to go to rehab to protect her public image on Rudolph's advice, when she felt she had no addiction problems. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "She had no drugs in her system when she was admitted to Promises - they ran tests and there was nothing. She was embarrassed she had to go in there when she knew she was suffering from postpartum depression, not a drug or alcohol problem."Britney's aunt had just died of cancer. She was feeling very guilty because she hadn't been there with her, she was over whelmingly depressed and she shaved her head in solidarity."

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Britney Spears with Larry Randolph

Britney Spears reportedly fired her manager on Friday .The 'Toxic' singer - who only rehired Larry Rudolph after filing for divorce from Kevin Federline in November - allegedly blames him for her recent career mistakes and blunders, according to the New York Post newspaper. The 25-year-old mother-of-two is said to have been suffering from postpartum depression and her heavy partying sparked a mini-breakdown - culminating in her shaving her head before agreeing to enter rehab. It was Rudolph who allegedly introduced Britney to socialite Paris Hilton and encouraged them to party together. Britney could face legal repercussions if she has fired Rudolph as she reportedly signed a lengthy deal with him after rehiring him to help with her pop comeback. Britney recently rehired PR guru Leslie Sloane Zelnik - who also represents Lindsay Lohan - to help restore her battered image.The 'Toxic' singer has been busy working on her comeback album since leaving Malibu's Promises centre last month. She has been in and out of recording studios and been attending regular dance classes.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Britney Spears with former 'Manny' Perry Taylor

Britney Spears' former 'manny' is now working as a bodyguard for Paris Hilton. Perry Taylor - who last year worked as a security guard for Britney but also carried out nanny duties for her son Sean Preston - accompanied Paris and her pet Chihuahua when they stepped out in West Hollywood last week. Although Perry was hired by Britney he actually worked for Paris, 26, first. A source told Life and Style Weekly magazine: "He was Paris' security guard on the first two seasons of 'The Simple Life', in 2003 and 2004. "She still uses him from time to time as a private security guard." The 29-year-old US Naval Academy graduate reportedly caused trouble in Britney's marriage. The singer's now estranged husband Kevin Federline was reportedly jealous of Britney - who was pregnant at the time with the pair's second son Jayden James - and Perry's close relationship.

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Monday, April 16, 2007


Britney Spears has hit out at the media with a public rant claiming she is"pregnant".The troubled star let rip when a group of reporters and paparazzi gathered outside a Malibu restaurant where she was dining and sarcastically told fans to "always believe everything you read". Britney said: "I just want to talk and say, like, how nice our world is. It really is. Like the other day, I saw this magazine and it said I was pregnant. And I went up to my mom and my mom knew, like, she was right, as I am really pregnant."Always believe everything you read everybody, because I am."Mother-of-two Britney, 25, also tackled reports she has been drinking since leaving rehab last month. She said: "I went to see, like, this person, like, on USA Today and they said I was drinking a lot and it was just so true."Britney - who shaved her hair off in front of paparazzi before entering Malibu's Promises rehab centre - also asked the journalists if she could see the footage they had just recorded, before saying she wanted to film some more. She added: "Because, like, my management so knew what they were doing sending me to rehab. Like, totally. Isn't it nice how nice our world is?Nobody is going to talk about this. The world's so nice, that's all I want to say."

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Thursday, April 12, 2007


Britney Spears says she is ready to "quit" pop music.The singer, who checked into Malibu's Promises rehab centre in February, jokingly revealed her new album has proven so stressful she is considering a new career.When Britney was asked when fans could hear her new LP, she smiled and replied: "I think I might be quitting!"The 'Toxic' singer, who is set to work with top producer Timbaland on her music comeback, was seen at the Millennium Dance Studio in North Hollywood undergoing a gruelling two-hour dance rehearsal yesterday. Meanwhile, Britney's ex-lover Justin Timberlake has been phoning her to offer a shoulder to cry on. Justin, who dated Britney for four years before they split in 2002, was so concerned about Britney checking into rehab he contacted her. He said: "I called her because I am worried about her. She is a great woman.I'm rooting for her. It seems like she is getting everything under control now."

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Britney Spears was chunky

Britney Spears has denied she's had liposuction.The 'Toxic' singer was rumored to have had the treatment in Las Vegas on Monday to get her figure in shape for her pop comeback. Britney's representative has denied the claims.The star stayed at the luxurious Wynn resort with a girlfriend and several bodyguards. Britney visited the pool on Monday but she stayed out of sight for most ofthe time in a cabana. She then dined on sushi at Nobu in the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, wearing an auburn bobbed wig, a straw cowboy hat and large sunglasses. Meanwhile, Britney's relationship with her manager Larry Rudolph is said to be on the rocks again. Britney and Larry parted ways shortly after she married Kevin Federline, but were reunited after she filed for divorce. Rudolph encouraged her to go to rehab and allegedly ordered her friends not to take her calls on the night she shaved her head. A source told Us Weekly magazine: "There is tension. He's been trying to gether help, and she doesn't feel she needs it."It is tough love."

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Question is : Who isn't Britney Spears Dating ?

Britney Spears is dating a 6ft 8ins basketball star.The 25-year-old singer has reportedly fallen for Los Angeles Lakers player Luke Walton and has been showing her support courtside. Britney screamed Luke's name with the rest of his fans during the game against the Phoenix Suns on Sunday. A source said: "A stable successful man is the perfect medicine for Britney after her disastrous marriages."It's early days but she seems content at last."The mother-of-two has been seen at several basketball games since leaving rehab but has tried to keep her new romance under wraps. She even wore a number 24 jersey, the shirt worn by Luke's teammate Kobe Bryant, to fool people. Last month, Britney reached a $2 million divorce settlement with Kevin Federline.The couple are expected to share custody of their two sons, 18-month-old Sean Preston and Jayden James, six months.

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Monday, April 09, 2007


Britney Spears splashed out over $3,000 on clothes for her and her kids Sunday (left) after staff at trendy Los Angeles store Lisa Kline agreed to ask customers to leave so she could shop in peace. The pop superstar arrived unannounced at the boutique after attending an Easter Sunday afternoon basketball game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Phoenix Suns. Spears bought a camouflage pants-and-top set and swimming trunks for her baby son Jayden James, and Wes and Willy shorts and Converse sneakers for her older son, Sean Preston. She even treated her Chihuahua Bit Bit to a green Moses Basket, according to People magazine's Web site. Employee Kate Levington tells the publication, "She was lots of fun to shop with. We had music on in the stores and she danced to the music. ... You could tell she enjoyed herself."

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Thursday, April 05, 2007


Britney Spears has many hats and boyfriends

Britney Spears has fallen for another musical bad boy -- she's reportedly dating singer/songwriter Howie Day (right) after meeting him in rehab. The singer is planning to go public with her latest romance this summer when she takes Day, who is still in rehab, to her cousin Erin's wedding. The couple met at Malibu, Calif.'s Promises rehab facility during Spears' recent month-long stay. The pop star has told close pals that she's smitten with her new beau, who hit the headlines following recent arrests on charges of disorderly conduct and allegedly verbally abusing a flight crew, while under the influence. One Spears confidante tells Life and Style magazine, "Britney just lights up ... when she talks to Howie or tells people about him. She thinks he's very talented and says he's the best kisser."
The couple was photographed playing tennis together at Promises on March 15, and Spears has been texting love notes to Day since she left the facility at the end of last month. The pals reveals, "They formed a special bond. They were in group therapy together and Brit found his experiences fascinating. "They would talk in their free time and try to have lunch together twice a week." The couple plans to reunite when Day is released from Promises later this month.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Britney Spears spent her first weekend as a new divorcee in Las Vegas, dining with close friends. The fallen pop superstar finalized her divorce from rapper Kevin Federline last week and took off to Sin City for a low-key weekend. The post-rehab Spears dined at Tao Asian Bistro on Saturday night with two female friends, and made it clear her partying days are over -- even in Las Vegas. A fellow diner who spotted the party says, "Britney was dressed casual, wearing a light coat, hat and blonde wig. She and her friends ate vegetable dumplings, hot edamame, a California roll, and they split a wasabi filet. "This wasn't a wild night out. Britney drank Pepsi and the girls were in and out in about an hour. Britney seemed very happy."

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Britney Spears' new album is "like 'Toxic' times 10". Music producer Sean Garrett - who has worked with Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Lopez and Mary J. Blige - is master minding the troubled singer's comeback record and thinks it will be "exceptional". Garrett said: "I'm working with Britney."It's really coming together right now. I know she'll do exceptionally well now that she's out of rehab."The new album is like 'Toxic' times 10. It's going to be a lot of fun and it's really exciting. We did a lot of great work before her break."Britney, 25, and the producer had worked on five tracks for the new record before she entered Malibu's Promises rehab centre on February 20. After checking out of the centre, Britney seems to have tamed her wild partying. Garrett said: Britney is a superstar. She definitely knows how to handle herself, but it's tough sometimes. The pressure sometimes gets to you, but I think she has done such a great job keeping her composure under the circumstances."

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Friday, March 30, 2007


Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have reached a divorce settlement.The couple, who married in September 2004 before Britney filed for divorce last November, agreed the deal during a five-hour meeting in Los Angeles yesterday. Kevin is rumored to be receiving a $1 million payment, with the couple sharing custody of their two sons, 18-month-old Sean Preston and Jayden James, six months. A spokesman for Kevin's attorney said: "The parties signed a global agreement on all issues of their marriage and custody of their children."He refused to elaborate on the terms of the settlement, but revealed they had reached an agreement on financial matters. A judge must approve the agreement before the divorce is finalised. During the meeting, Kevin, 29, took a cigarette break and Britney, 25, followed him outside where they spent 15 minutes talking.The meeting took place in Britney's attorney Laura Wasser's office in California's Century City.The estranged couple agreed to temporarily share custody of their sons in January, but Kevin took over custody when Britney checked into Malibu's Promises rehab centre in February. Earlier this month, it was reported Britney had decided to give Kevin $19 million.
Only one million Kevin? You are stupid !

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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Britney Spears always had great teeth !

Britney Spears has had her teeth whitened, it has been claimed.The singer, who visited celebrity dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman for the second time yesterday had the Zoom whitening procedure,reports 'Access Hollywood'. However, gossip website TMZ claim Britney returned to Dorfman's office at Century City Medical Plaza yesterday because she is still experiencing pain in one of her molars.The 25-year-old was admitted to hospital on Sunday evening after complaining of toothache. She was treated by Dorfman and left the hospital about an hour later. Britney's manager Larry Rudolph confirmed her latest trip to the hospital was tooth-related. Meanwhile, Britney's family are concerned about her fascination with tattoos.The 'Toxic' singer has had a number of new etchings since leaving rehab last week, and her mother Lynne is begging her to stop. A source revealed: "Britney is using tattoos as a form of self-expression. She has had at least two new ones in the last few weeks and wants more."Her mother managed to dissuade her from having angel wings on her back but she fears she will soon do something she might regret later."

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Monday, March 26, 2007


Even Britney Spears Gets A Toothache !

Britney Spears was admitted to hospital for a broken tooth yesterday evening. The 'Toxic' singer seemed to be in considerable pain, though she smiled and laughed for the cameras as she entered Century City Medical Plaza. A source said: "She was smiling for the cameras, but the moment she got into the elevators she was complaining to her bodyguards that it was unfair her tooth was broken, and she couldn't take pain killers."Britney's representative Larry Rudlolph said: "Reports Britney was hospitalised are all wrong. She just went to the dentist. She had a toothache. I have no more details."The 25-year-old star was treated by a dentist and left the hospital about an hour later. Since leaving Malibu's Promises rehab clinic last week, Britney has been keeping a low profile.The few visitors she has seen include her sons - 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James - and her estranged husband Kevin Federline. On Friday she was seen in public for the first time taking a one hour hip-hop dance class at North Hollywood's Millennium Dance Complex and enjoying dinner at Bel Air's SHU-Sushi House Unico with three girlfriends. On Saturday she took another dance class at the Millennium and also visited a hair salon, despite having shaved her head a month ago.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Britney Spears is out of rehab. She has "successfully completed the program," says her manager Larry Rudolph, but is Brit really ready to leave? Let’s take a little recap of how she got here in the first place. It all seems to have started after her and her estranged husband Kevin Federline decided to parts ways. That is when the drinking and partying started, eventually leading to a romantic fling with Isaac Cohen. Reports of her still not over K-Fed, she needed some feminine support, and who better to drink your sorrows away with other than Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan? With a few weeks of non-stop drinking, drugs, car puking, a three day binge in Vegas and a couple of snap shots of her bare vagina plastered all over the web, Britney’s popularity was sinking fast. However, Britney’s one tough girl. Next, Spears was asked to host a new year’s bash at Pure in Caesar’s Palace where she ended up ‘collapsing’ (most believing alcohol and drugs to be the cause). Realizing she was losing her grasp on reality, Brit flew to Antigua and checked into rehab… then checked out within 24-hours, flew home and shaved her head bald. In light (shine) of her newly bald head, pressure from family and friends prompted Spears once again to enter rehab… then again checked out within 24-hours. With all her bizzare behavior came massive amounts of media coverage and bad public opinions, so Federline gave Spears an ultimatum; complete one month of rehab or he will file (and most likely win) for sole custody of their two sons. Spears agreed. Once in rehab, she was praised for staying and even had other celebrities showing support on her road to recovery. More media eventually surfaced, but one can only wonder how much truth is behind the claims of her reported suicide attempt or her rehab romance. Nevertheless, Britney Spears has completed her month in rehab, but was it enough? Will she fall off the tracks again, or will she grow her lushes locks back and become a responsible mom? We will see…

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Britney Spears is begging Justin Timberlake to visit her in rehab, it has been claimed.The singer - who is allegedly being treated for depression and alcoholism at Malibu's Promises centre - has been asking her ex-lover to support her at her Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Cell phones are banned in the rehab centre, but Britney has reportedly smuggled one in and has been making secret phone calls to Justin. A source told America's Star magazine: "She was hiding in a closet and talking to a guy named Justin, probably Justin Timberlake. She was talking to him about coming to support her at a group Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Santa Monica."She kept saying 'Come on Justin, please, please, please come!' She was begging him!"Justin reportedly offered to visit the troubled singer in rehab last month, but Britney's mother Lynne begged him to keep away, insisting it would be too much of a distraction. Justin is also said to have written a letter of support to Britney.
Go Justin...Britney can take you in the bushes too !

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Monday, March 19, 2007


Britney Spears Play's Tennis Before Hitting Bushes

Britney Spears was caught romping in the bushes of her rehab centre with a mystery man.The troubled singer played a game of tennis with the unnamed man, who is also receiving treatment at Malibu's Promises clinic, before they disappeared together.The pair were later found frolicking in the folliage of the grounds and had to be separated by security staff. A source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "Britney and her new male friend decided to play a game of tennis. Britney is allowed a little more freedom now she's been in the centre a while."The next thing they had sneaked off into the bushes and were getting pretty passionate. They weren't actually having sex but there was definitely some groping. We had to step in to separate them."They were told off. They're in rehab and relationships between vulnerable people aren't really encouraged."This is the second time Britney, 25, has been romantically linked with someone she has met at rehab. Last week, it was reported that Britney was growing "very close" with rock guitarist Jason Filyaw, who she met at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.The 33-year-old rocker claimed he and the shaven-haired singer had "found love" since meeting again in rehab. The pair had met once before in 2003 when they recorded some music together.Britney checked into the centre last month and is believed to be being treated for alcoholism.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007


Former Happy Couple Kevin Federline And Britney Spears

Kevin Federline has no plans to rebuild his marriage to Britney Spears.The 29-year-old is lending the troubled star his support while she is undergoing treatment at Malibu's Promises centre but despite family hopes they will get back together, Kevin is not interested. A source told Us Weekly magazine: "I talked to Kevin about Britney and he said he's not getting back together with Britney. At least not right now. He just wants to be a friend for her. She has told him she would get back with him, but he's trying to just do the right thing for everyone right now, but he doesn't want to go back there again."Another source claims the couple were close to working out a divorce settlement earlier this year, until Britney's wild partying caused Kevin and his lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, to intervene. Britney has reportedly fallen for RIVA lead guitarist Jason Filyaw after meeting him at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Meanwhile, letters of support from Britney's fans are being posted on her website . Jordan H writes: "Over the past few months, I've seen you change a lot. Ijust wanted to let you know that I have your back, and I'm supporting you 100 per cent."Hopefully, you'll be back soon to give your fans some music! Because we miss you like crazy, and we love you to death. So, get well soon. Good luck with everything that's been going on in your life. We all love you!"Michaela says: "Kia Kaha (Stand Strong). Best wishes from your fan in New Zealand."And Laura from Kent, Britain, writes: "I hope you are feeling better in yourself, I have been thinking about you and praying for you."You are the best female artist ever, all your fans are missing you and want the best for you. Relax and don't rush yourself, we are here for as long as it takes for you to get better."

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Thursday, March 15, 2007


At least Jason Filyaw is bald like Britney Spears

Britney Spears' new boyfriend Jason Filyaw says he is in "love".The 'Toxic' singer reportedly fell for rocker Jason at her Alcoholic Anonymous meetings, and Jason has revealed they are "growing close". Jason told gossip website TMZ: "I love her, I support her 100 per cent and we are close. We have been growing very close since our special relationship began."While Jason refused to confirm or deny if he is dating Britney, he is helping the troubled singer with the "spiritually deep" part of her treatment.The 33-year-old also revealed he knew Britney before she checked into Malibu's Promises center. Guitarist Jason claims the pair met in 2003 when Britney recorded some tracks with him at New York's The Hit Factory. Jason says they kept in touch before meeting up again at a Los Angeles Alcoholics Anonymous meeting last month. Meanwhile, it has been reported Britney, 25, has been displaying some diva-like behaviour in rehab. A source told America's Star magazine: "Britney has a seriously bad attitude problem. She's been very demanding. She acts like a 12-year-old and throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants."She refuses to pick up after herself and even asked if she could hire a maid! She's asking for special food, special everything and she's not that nice to anyone."The magazine also claims Britney has been drinking 24 cans of Coca-Cola a day.
Can I apply for the maid position ? I promise I won't take any pictures !

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Britney Spears Finds New Love ?

Britney Spears has reportedly found love in rehab.The 'Toxic' singer is said to have fallen for Jason Filyaw, the 33-year-oldlead guitarist of rock band Riva, who she met at her Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. A source told the National Enquirer magazine: "Britney adores Jason. He's been a tower of strength for her at the lowest point in her life. She's convinced Jason can help her through rehab because, as an alcoholic, he's been through the same thing."The 25-year-old singer is now planning to move in with the rocker when she leaves rehab, it has been claimed. Britney reportedly emails and phones Jason constantly and the pair already have pet names for each other. He calls her Sugar, Kitten and My Lady, while Britney calls him Mr. Secret Underground Guy and J-Sun. Britney is being treated for alcoholism at Malibu's Promises centre while estranged husband Kevin Federline takes care of her sons, 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James.

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Friday, March 09, 2007


Britney Spears is struggling to cope without her children while she is in rehab. On Tuesday evening Britney, 25, left Malibu's Promises clinic to spend two hours with estranged husband Kevin Federline and their two sons at the nearby Serra Retreat center. Eye witnesses said that as she returned to Promises, she covered her face and appeared visibly upset at leaving 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James.The next morning Kevin, 28, left his California home at 5.30am with the children, arriving at Promises at 6am. A source claims "It seems like Britney is struggling being away from Sean and Jayden because Kevin let her spend four hours with the kids."He returned home with the boys at 10.30am.

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Josh Stone: Britney's no slut !

Joss Stone would never go out partying with no knickers on - because she isn't a "sl*t".The British singer insists she has no intention of following the current trend set by Paris Hilton and Britney Spears and go 'commando' for a night out because she has too much self-respect. Joss said in an interview with Q magazine: "I would never wear a short skirt with no knickers, because that would be silly. If you do that it's basically like saying you're a sl*t. And I'm not."The 'Right To Be Wrong' singer admits she can't understand why Britney, who is currently in rehab, decided to flash her private parts in public. Despite her condemnation of 'commando' fashion, Joss doesn't think Britney is a "sl*t" for showing off her undercarriage. She added: "Maybe she got drunk and gave her knickers away? Maybe she didn't wear any because she didn't want a visible panty line? Or maybe she had a quick one in the bathroom before she left home? We'll never know."But I don't think Britney is a sl*t. She's just going through some issues at the moment, that's all."

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Thursday, March 08, 2007


Britney Spears Used To Have It All !

Britney Spears' family has joined forces with Kevin Federline's family to support her. The 'Toxic' singer's stint in rehab has brought the two families closer -despite the couple's impending divorce - to support Britney and care for her two young sons. A source told People magazine: "Everyone is making comments how sad it is that it took this to get everyone together."There was a lot of distance between the families but it seems now they all have a common goal, which is to help Britney get better."Kevin has been looking after 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James, with the help of both families, since his estranged wife checked into rehab. Meanwhile, Britney is reportedly not coping well in rehab. She is allegedly frequently breaking house rules at Malibu's Promises rehab facility. A source told Us Weekly magazine: "She's been getting in tons of trouble. She has been cautioned for being on her cell phone and has even left the centre to go shopping."The 25-year-old is allegedly angry with her family for saying she needs to get sober, and believes she does not have a drug or alcohol problem.The source added: "Britney is angry at her family and her manager for pressuring her to enter the program."She believes she is suffering from post partum depression and does not think she has an alcohol or drug problem."Since entering the clinic, Britney has been seen reading Brooke Shields book 'Down Came the Rain' about the actress' own experience with post partum depression following the birth of her first daughter, Rowan Francis.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


How WWW.TimesSquareGossip.Com Reported This Days Ago !
While his ex-wife, pop princess Britney Spears, is in rehab after she shaved her head completely bald, Kevin Federline reportedly told some of his friends he shaved his head too in order to show her his support. The rapper wannabe’s buddies insist that K-Fed is still in love with Britney and that’s why he sticks with her through these hard times. "He said he still loves her," a pal as saying. Britney isn’t far from feeling the same way Kevin Federline does. Her friends say she not only wants him back, but wants to have another child with him. Britney isn’t far from feeling the same way Kevin Federline does. Her friends say she not only wants him back, but wants to have another child with him. "Britney has realized what a rock Kevin has been to her, and how out of control she has acted recently. She has been talking to Kevin every night for hours on the phone, telling him she still loves him. She just wants to be with him again, and thinks having another baby will seal their marriage," the source said. However, according to recent reports, Britney isn’t doing very well in rehab. Us Weekly claims her cousin Alli has all but moved into the clinic to help keep an eye on her but the family still don’t think it’ll be enough to keep Britney on track. A source told the magazine: “They hope that Britney will stay at Promises for a month, but they’re nervous she might not last that long.” After Britney checked herself in the Promises rehabilitation center in Malibu, British tabloid News of the World reported that the staff at the clinic said she was put on “suicide watch” after she tried to hang herself with a bed sheet. A friend of hers told the newspaper that right before attempting to take her life, she had the number 666 written on her head and ran around the clinic yelling: “I am the Antichrist!” "She is still very vulnerable. Last Saturday she said she had the number 666 written onto her bald head. She was crying, and shouting, 'I am the Antichrist!' The clinic people just didn't know what to do. Then she started screaming, 'I'm a fake! I'm a fake!' It must have been really frightening," the News of the World quoted the pal, as saying. "Later that night she tried to kill herself. She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt," the pal added.

Bald Kevin Federline Days Ago In Las Vegas

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Wecome To Las Vegas Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline took his two children to Las Vegas for the weekend.The 28-year-old - who has custody of sons 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James while estranged wife Britney Spears is in rehab -travelled to Las Vegas for an appearance at the Mirage Hotel and Casino lounge Revolution. A source told People magazine : "Kevin was really low key. You could definitely tell he was on his best behaviour. He was having a good time, but wasn't the wild, crazy Kevin who used to come to Vegas."The aspiring rapper arrived on Saturday with the boys, a nanny, his mother, brother and two bodyguards.He dined with family and friends at the hotel restaurant Japonais.The source added: "He was late for dinner because he wanted to tuck his kids into bed."Meanwhile, Britney is said to be responding well to treatment in Malibu's Promises centre and has been enjoying some online retail therapy. Sources reveal she has spent over $3,000 on clothes, including several fedora hats, True Religion Daisy Duke shorts, Dita "Addict" sunglasses and a dress from a designer called Tart. A source told gossip website TMZ : "Britney e-mailed her cousin, Ali, a list of all the things she wanted from"She also asked for this season's 'must-have' dress, Suzanne Juul's red and gold bamboo cap-ribbed dress in a size small and one of Juul's Eternity shawls in light blue.

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Ex-Lovers Justin Timberlake And Insane Britney Spears

Justin Timberlake has been banned from visiting Britney Spears in rehab by her mom. The 26-year-old, who was the Toxic singer's first boyfriend, was so upset to hear that she'd checked into Promises clinic in Malibu, he called her mom Lynne and offered to visit. But Lynne told him it would cause Britney, 25, too much distress. 'Justin and Brit knew each other as kids and were first loves,' a relative told the Sunday Mirror . 'Justin was distressed to learn about the state Britney was in. Lynne was touched by his gesture but begged him not to go. He asked Lynne to pass on his best wishes and promised to hook up with her at a later date.'

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Saturday, March 03, 2007


Britney Spears Has Had Better Times

Britney Spears (left inside rehab) sparked fresh fears about her health after emerging from rehab with bizarre scribbling on her hands yesterday. The 'Toxic' star, who hid her recently-sheared head under a brown wig and hat when she left Malibu's Promises treatment center to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, shocked onlookers by revealing the strange doodles all over the backs of her hands. Flowers and the word 'Push' could be made out among the scribbles. A smiling Britney met with photographers and an eyewitness described the troubled mother-of-two as "relaxed and in good spirits". Reports surfaced earlier this month that Britney, 25, was battling alcohol and drugs after the star's behaviour became increasingly erratic. Last week, Britney quit rehab and was later seen attacking a photographer and a car outside her estranged husband Kevin Federline's home with an umbrella. However, since her return to the centre last Wednesday night, i thas been reported the 'Lucky' singer could be suffering from post-natal depression. A source said: "Britney had two children in very quick succession and saw her marriage fall apart. It looks like she was suffering from some sort of depression and it wasn't helped by the cocktail of alcohol, drugs and prescription pills she was taking."

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Friday, March 02, 2007


Britney Spears And Mom In Better Days

Britney Spears enjoyed one last wild weekend of drinking before checking into Promises rehab center, it has been revealed.The 'Toxic' singer arrived at Los Angeles' fashionable Mondrian hotel early on Saturday February 17, wearing a blonde wig to cover her newly shaven head, but was refused a room because she had no cash or credit cards. Britney, 25, was seen at 11am stripped down to her bra and knickers, sunbathing by the pool. She then shaved her legs in the pool bathroom. A source said: "It was sad. It looked like she really needed a friend."At around midday, the singer made friends with a woman who offered to lend her a bikini. Britney followed the woman to her hotel room, changed into the orange two-piece swimsuit and raided her mini-bar. A source told Us Weekly magazine : "She grabbed four or five bottles and just started mixing everything and drinking them."Three days later Britney checked into Promises rehab centre in Malibu. She checked out 24 hours later, before returning the same day for a 45-day program. It has been claimed she re-entered the center because her estranged husband Kevin Federline issued her with an ultimatum over custody of their children. Britney allegedly agreed to return to rehab in return for Kevin cancelling a court hearing in which he planned to seek full custody of seventeen-month-old Sean Preston and five-month-old Jayden James. A source said: "Britney scared everyone real bad. Kevin is working closely with Britney's mom Lynne to let Britney know how serious it is that she gets help."Kevin loves Britney nothing has changed about that. The boys are being taken care of by Kevin. Lynne is helping."

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Monday, February 26, 2007


Britney Spears In Better Days With Hair

Britney Spears was visited in rehab by her two sons on Saturday evening. The 'Toxic' singer's estranged husband Kevin Federline took their two sons, 17-month-old Sean Preston and five-month-old Jaden James, to see their mother at Malibu's Promises rehab centre. A source told People magazine: "The kids are his number one priority and they always have been."He's so stressed out right now. He only wants the best for Britney and the kids."It was Kevin's second visit to Promises - he first visited Britney on Friday without the children. Britney, 25, checked into rehab for the third time in six days last week after having an apparent nervous breakdown.The 'Oops. I Did It Again' star stunned the world by shaving off her hair in a Los Angeles salon on Friday February 16th, after the hairdresser refused to shear her. Britney entered Promises last Wednesday night, having checked out earlier that morning and attacking photographers with an umbrella outside Federline's home.

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Britney Spears Lesbian Kiss With Madonna

Britney Spears' first husband has claimed he enjoyed three-in-a-bed romps with the star. Jason Alexander - who was married to Britney for just 55 hours after the pair wed in Las Vegas in 2004 - has revealed how the singer took part in drug and drink-fuelled lesbian romps and group sex with female dancers. American footballer Jason, 25 - a childhood friend of Britney's - told Britain's Sunday Mirror newspaper: "She stripped down and was dancing naked on the table with a bunch of dancers."They were squeezing her t**s and a**. I saw her walk back to one of the bedrooms with one of the female dancers."Every guy would love to see buck-naked b*****s going at it and that is exactly what was behind door number one. Britney and this girl were having some lesbian fun so I dropped my pants, hopped right into it and enjoyed every second."Meanwhile, Britney's estranged second husband Kevin Federline, visited the troubled star at Malibu's Promises rehab clinic - where Britney is on suicide watch after allegedly trying to take two bottles of pain killers. Putting their bitter divorce aside, Kevin told Britney: "I'll stand by you if you clean up your act. I just want you to get well."After leaving rehab for the second time last week, Britney was photographed furiously attacking a car with an umbrella when Kevin - who was looking after their two children, Sean Preston and Jayden James - refused to see her. She later returned to rehab, after fearing her erratic behaviour could cost her custody of her sons. On searching the troubled star, staff at Promises allegedly found a "death list" written by Britney which listed her enemies.Top of the list was Kevin.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007


Britney Spears' estranged husband has told the singer that he wants to get back with her. Aspiring rapper Kevin Federline visited the troubled 25-year-old at the Promises rehab centre in Malibu, telling Spears that he will support her through her recovery after having second thoughts about their divorce. A source told the News of the World : "Just a few days ago there was no love lost between the two of them, but it's taken Britney's breakdown to make Kevin realise that he still loves her. He's finally treating her with a bit of care for once. He told her he'll stand by her while she's recovering - but he doesn't want to put her under any pressure until she's got her life back together. "And he admitted he's been having second thoughts about the split and thinks there may be hope of a reunion after she gets better. Britney told him that she just wants to take things one day at a time at the moment, but she was deeply comforted by his words."

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Saturday, February 24, 2007


Britney Spears Being Catered Too

Gourmet meals, masseuses, 500-thread-count sheets and private rooms with a fireplace and a view of one of the city's most exclusive beaches. It sounds like a high-end resort and it is — for the rich and famous looking to kick an addiction. Called Promises Residential Treatment Center (left), it is the place Britney Spears is supposed to call home for the next month while she attempts to grab control of a life that looked to be spinning out of control. In a little over a week, the singer reportedly checked in and out and in and out and then in again to rehab, shaved her head and got tiny lips tattooed on her wrist. And this flurry followed months of hard late-night partying in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. By entering Promises, for the second time, on Thursday, Spears joined a long list of other celebrities who have trekked to the lush Malibu facility to overcome addictions. Promises alumni include Ben Affleck, Charlie Sheen, Diana Ross and Matthew Perry. Treatment does not come cheap. A 30-day stay is $48,000. What kind of perks can patients expect for $1,600 a night at the 16-person facility? A personal trainer, beautician, private counseling session and no chores. The sprawling grounds of the Mediterranean-style villa tucked in the Santa Monica Mountains include tennis and basketball courts, two pools and nearby horseback riding facilities.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007


Justin Timberlake And Britney Spears Before Baldness

Justin Timberlake loves Britney Spears' shaved head.The 'Sexy Back' singer admits he was surprised by his ex-girlfriend's decision to cut her locks but thinks she can pull off the drastic look. He is quoted by MTV as saying: "It was a smart choice, she is starting over, cleaning herself up. It was something you wouldn't expect most people to do, so she is taking a chance."Justin and Britney became friends when they starred together as children on the 'New Mickey Mouse Club' TV show. They dated for several years before splitting in March 2002, amid speculation Britney had cheated on Justin. On Tuesday night Britney checked herself into rehab.The 25-year-old singer admitted herself into California's Promises Malibu Treatment Center following concerns over her erratic behaviour.Her manager Larry Rudolph confirmed: "Britney Spears has voluntarily checked herself into a rehab facility. We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time."Rudolph did not disclose what Britney was being treated for. US reports claim the 'Toxic' singer has allegedly taken cocaine, ecstasy and prescription drugs. Meanwhile as you know from our last report, Britney has checked out once again and has checked into a hotel.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Very Toxic Britney Spears

Britney Spears' impending breakdown may have been triggered by the death ofher aunt in January.The 'Toxic' singer lost her aunt Sandra Bridges Covington - her mother's sister - to cancer in late January, and has had a hard time coming to terms with her grief. Britney's aunt Wanda Bridges told the New York Daily News newspaper: "Last time I saw her was at the funeral. She seemed fine, but we were all very upset. She finds it aggravating. They can't lead a normal life."She's down to earth. They're a down to earth family."Britney's mother Lynne - who encouraged her daughter to go to rehab for fear she might lose custody of her two children, Sean Preston and Jayden James -has now flown from her home in Kentwood, Louisiana, to be at her daughter's side in Los Angeles. Britney sparked fears for her well being after she shaved off all her hair during to a visit to Esther's Haircutting Salon in Tarazana, California, on Friday. Hairdressers had refused to shave her head, but Britney grabbed a pair of clippers and sheared off her locks herself. An hour later she went to the Body and Soul Tattoo parlour and had pink lips etched onto her wrist and a black, pink and white cross on her lower hip.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Britney Spears has entered a rehabilitation centre, her spokesman said today, capping a long weekend in which the pop star made international news by shaving her head at a Los Angeles hair salon. "Britney Spears has voluntarily checked herself into an undisclosed rehab facility today," Spears publicist Larry Rudolph said in a written statement. "We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those (privacy concerns) of her family and friends at this time." Rudolph did not say what Spears, 25, would be treated for or where the rehabilitation facility was located. Celebrity Web site reported the centre was in the Los Angeles area and that she entered it at the urging of family members. Several news organizations reported on Friday that Spears, who split from husband Kevin Federline in November, had briefly entered a rehabilitation centre in the Caribbean island of Antigua. Later on Friday she was spotted by celebrity photographers at a Los Angeles hair salon shaving her own head. Next day, she was spotted wearing a blond oversized wig. Spears, who first shot to fame as a teenager, was repeatedly photographed in December climbing out of cars without wearing underpants while in the company of celebrity heiress Paris Hilton. In January, Spears posted a message on her Web site acknowledging the negative publicity, while writing, "I look forward to coming back this year bigger and better than ever and to reaching out to my fans on a more personal level."

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Sunday, February 18, 2007


You knew it was coming: Times Square Gossip has learned that the Hair purportedly clipped from the head of pop star Britney Spears is for sale on eBay . Various sellers on the online auction site offered not only shorn hair, but clippers that they claimed did the job. Spears reportedly used an electric clipper and shaved her own head at a San Fernando Valley salon on Friday night. One seller claimed to have collected hair with the salon owner, and offered it for sale along with a can energy drink supposedly sipped by the singer. Britney who recently walked into rehab and then out can't seem to get her life together since her breakup with Kevin Federline. She has passed out in clubs, vomited in restaurants, pulled over by the police for not having her children in child seats, just to name a few.
Hey Britney! Wonderland Has A Spot Open Since Your Good Party Pal Lindsay Lohan Has Checked Out. You Can Keep Her Bed Warm Till She Gets Back....

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Mother Of The Year 'Britney Spears'

Pop star Britney Spears has sparked another car seat controversy after being photographed with her young sons not properly strapped into her vehicle. The singer caused a world-wide controversy last year when she failed to put her son Sean Preston in a car seat while trying to escape the paparazzi. On February 12 Spears was spotted in the backseat of a car in New York City with her two sons, Sean, 17 months and Jayden James, 5 months. Photos revealed that Jayden was facing the wrong way in his car seat, while the straps meant to restrain Sean were falling around his arms. Child safety seat advocate Alisa Baer slams the star telling Us Weekly , "She has 5-month-old Jayden James forward-facing. "To decrease the risk of serious spinal cord injury and death, kids must be at least one year old and at least 20 pounds before riding forward-facing. "It also appears that Sean Preston's straps are way too loose -- they appear to have slipped down to his elbows -- again the same mistake she made earlier with him."

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Saturday, February 17, 2007


Those who thought Britney Spears couldn't be further removed from her former pop princess image are in for a shock. On Friday night, Spears was spotted in Los Angeles sporting a never before seen look — a newly shaved head. The same day, reports surfaced that Spears checked into rehab at Eric Clapton's Crossroads facility in Antigua. Spears reportedly refused to stay and checked out a day later. Harvey Levin, managing editor of , said that Spears' family, concerned about her excessive partying and drinking, staged an intervention and made her go to rehab. "Her family and friends staged what I guess you would call an intervention and basically said you have to go," Levin said. "[They] got her to go to a facility there and I am told she was there for a very short period of time and said this is not for me and left." Spiraling Downward Spears' reported rehab visit and new, hairless look is the culmination of a wild few months for the pop star. After filing for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline last year, she started club- and bar-hopping all night, all over the country. Spears' behavior troubled her longtime former assistant so much that she published an open letter online saying she was "heart sick by the way her life is unfolding." "Britney is exhibiting an extreme exaggeration of the behavior of the young starlets out there today. Britney, who once had a thriving career as a pop star, now seems to have no career at all," said Ian Drew of Us Weekly magazine . Her every move has been a tabloid dream. "On New Year's Eve there was an incident at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas where she just collapsed after midnight," Levin said. "She said she was exhausted, there were a lot of people who think she was drunk." Spears isn't the only young starlet getting into trouble. Lindsay Lohan just finished a month-long stay at a California rehab facility. Nicole Richie was charged Friday with a DUI stemming from a December arrest. Miss USA Tara Conner spent the holidays getting treatment for alcoholism.

Eric Clapton's Crossroads Rehab

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Friday, February 16, 2007


Britney Spears' former assistant has revealed the singer's friends and family want her to go to rehab. Felicia Culotta - who worked for Britney for over nine years and has been described as a personal assistant, chaperone, and a friend - has written to an internet fansite insisting the singer will hit rock bottom if she doesn'tget help now. Since filing for divorce from Kevin Federline, Britney has been seen drinking, partying and was photographed without underwear on severa loccasions. Her posting on read: "I loved being with Britney for the past nine-and-a-half years. I enjoyed being a part of her dream."I cherish all the incredible opportunities that came my way through my job with Britney and am crushed/saddened/heart sick by the way her life is unfolding."I want you to know that we (as in her family and nearest and dearest - all of whom are not on the payroll anymore!!) are doing everything in our power to get help for Britney."And we are doing all in our power to NOT pad the bottom, so when she does indeed hit rock bottom, she'll stand up and walk away from this whole fiasco a new, confident, changed, career driven Britney like the one we all knew and loved."To see what's transpiring now makes me feel a failure, defeated. I loved and believed in what I was a part of for the past 10 years and was so incredibly proud of Britney and all she'd become."Culotta also says she has given up trying to save the star, after Britney refused any help and advice offered. She writes: "There's just so much you can do to help a person - I don't dare want to be an enabler, and I cannot love her enough for the both of us. I cannot convince her in any way to love herself."I'm so Southern, and the best way for me to tell you how I feel is to say you can only kick an old dog so many times before he gets off the porch."I, Felica, am OFF the porch!!"

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Thursday, February 15, 2007


Britney Spears has been snubbed by a fashion designer because of her"unrespectable" image.The 'Toxic' singer's request for a limited edition Heatherette clutch bag designed by model Lydia Hearst was turned down, because Hearst doesn't think she is a good role model. A source told the New York Daily News newspaper: "Britney wanted to go backstage at the Heatherette fashion show during New York Fashion Week to collect a bag and promised to carry it to her front-row seat at where she would be photographed with it. But there were only 100 bags and her offer was politely declined."Hearst said: "I'm only giving the bag to accomplished young women who are doing something positive to affect the world around them. They are women I look up to and respect, like Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker and Anne Hathaway. They share the same high standards, and give back to the communities in which they live."After her request was turned down, Britney - who has been pictured looking dishevelled and bloated while out partying in recent weeks - did not appear at the fashion show at all in the end.The pop superstar's representative, Leslie Sloane Zelnick, has denied the reports, saying: "It's not true."Britney - who has two sons, 18-month-old Sean Preston and seven-month-old Jayden James - is currently divorcing estranged husband Kevin Federline.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Britney Spears paraded round a nightclub wearing nothing but a bikini and a waiter's coat on Sunday night. The 'Toxic' singer, who ended a wild weekend of partying at hip club One Little West 12th, felt uncomfortable in the tight red satin dress she arrived in, and persuaded one of the dancers to swap clothes with her. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "She didn't like what she was wearing, so she asked one of the dancers to trade clothes with her."She came back wearing a bikini under a white busboy coat and started dancing."The 25-year-old mother-of-two spent the previous night in the Tenjune nightclub where she partied until 3.30am. When Britney was helped from her car and into her hotel at the end of the night, vomit was seen all over the seat.The singer filed for divorce from Kevin Federline last November and they are both seeking sole custody of their sons, seventeen-month-old Sean Preston and five-month-old Jayden James.

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Monday, February 12, 2007


Britney Spears has been sent an open letter from a Rabbi branding her a bad mother. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach wrote to the 'Toxic' singer warning her to amend her ways for the sake of her two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James. Rabbi Boteach said: "Allow me to share with you a teaching of the ancient Rabbis."Once you become a parent, Britney, life gets really serious."We can all pretend that life is one big party devoid of responsibility. And rarely being home, or coming home drunk, or letting your kids see you in a degraded state, will permanently scar your kids."Soon your boys will be surfing the internet. They'll see a lot of photos of you in poses that no son should ever see their own mother. Try and be home with your kids. Cover up. Limit the visits to the nightclubs."Despite his scathing criticism, Rabbi Boteach believes Britney can turn her life around and be a good mother. He ended the letter by saying: "I know you can get your life together, Britney. God bless you."
Not To defend Britney, But You Hang Out With Pervert Michael Jackson !

Rabbi Shmuley With Pedofile Friend Michael Jackson

Jesus Juice Anyone ?

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Sunday, February 11, 2007


Britney Spear's Famous Madonna Kiss

Britney Spears has vehemently denied claims she is a lesbian. The 25-year-old mother-of-two was left fuming over allegations she participated in wild same-sex orgies before splitting from husband Kevin Federline in November. Gina Orr, spokesman for Britney's record label Jive, has released a statement, saying: "It is not true."Britney believes the reports are part of a smear campaign by Kevin to aid his custody battle for sons, Sean Preston, 16 months, and Jayden James, four months. A source said: "This is all part of a plan to smear Britney. They are close to agreeing a divorce settlement - so this is a warning shot if he doesn't get what he wants."Kevin's friend, rap music producer Omar 'Iceman' Sharif, lifted the lid on Britney's alleged sexual exploits to In Touch Weekly magazine. He said: "Britney was into threesomes and girls. There was tons of porn in the house - but it was mostly Britney's."Omar also claimed that Britney would host X-rated parties at her Malibu marital home. He said: "They were friends of her who she would invite to her house and they would drink and party. They had their hands all over each other."Another source said: "Sometimes it was three girls, and sometimes there were more like six. I heard about her being with girls at least 20 times while they were married."

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Saturday, February 10, 2007


The short-lived romance between pop singer Britney Spears and L.A. Models model Isaac Cohen is over, according to reports. Cohen decided to end the relationship, his agent, Brandi Lord of L.A. Models, told People magazine. Lord called the split between the two 25-year-olds “very amicable.” According to sources, ice cold Cohen dumped the Britster over the phone on Sunday evening when she was in New York and he was in L.A.When the two first started dating, Cohen was compared to Spears’ ex-husband, Kevin Federline, because of his scruffy look. Meanwhile another shocker, “‘Iceman’ Sharif, told In Touch Weekly magazine ‘Britney was into threesomes and girls. There was tons of porn in the house - but it was mostly Britney’s.’” He also claimed he and Kevin watched as Britney and her female friends got very friendly at her Malibu house. Omar claimed the girls were friends of hers, invited round to “drink and party. They had their hands all over each other.” The magazine also quoted ‘insiders’ who said Britney would often disappear with girls during her marriage to Kevin. The source claimed: ‘Sometimes it was three girls, and sometimes there were more like six. I heard about her being with girls at least at least 20 times while they were married’”. In the last few months Britney Spears has repeatedly exposed her vagina, thrown up over a boyfriend, bounced her infant on her lap while driving, divorced her husband via text message and passed out at a couple of nightclubs. What can the outrageous slut do for an encore? Well, now there are rumors all over the Net that Britney engages in orgies with lesbians. Britney just laughed when accounts of her vagina-flashing hit the news, but the pop diva immediately and emphatically denied rumors that she is a lesbian. The homophobic skank doesn’t mind being known as a drunk and a serial flasher, but God forbid, that her fans think she is a lesbian. What’s ironic is that if Britney admitted that she is a lesbian or bisexual, it just might rescue her career. The whole world, even conservative homophobes, loves lipstick lesbians.

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Monday, February 05, 2007


Britney Spears says it's "awesome" being single.The 'Toxic' singer filed for divorce from estranged husband Kevin Federline last November and insists she is enjoying being on her own. Speaking at a New York fashion show last week, she said: "It's awesome! I'm loving it."Since splitting from Kevin, Britney - who has two sons, 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James, with the budding rapper - has been romantically linked to model Isaac Cohen and has been a regular on the Los Angeles and Las Vegas party scenes.In the immediate aftermath of the separation, the pop superstar was seen out on several occasions with Paris Hilton but their friendship has now cooled. Meanwhile, it has been reported that Britney, 28, is furious with Kevin for staying in touch with her family's friends. She can't believe he is still spending time with her friends, including her brother Brian's roommate, even though they are no longer together. A source said: "He is still really good friends with Brian's roommate. Brian isn't the biggest fan of Kevin."


Sunday, February 04, 2007


Kevin Federline is “really sorry” to any American who is offended by an advertisement to be screened during the Super Bowl championship featuring him as a fast-food worker.“The commercial is completely intended for me, making fun of myself and my own situation,” the aspiring rapper and estranged husband of Britney Spears said. “It has nothing to do with anybody in the fast-food industry at all. So, you know, if we’ve offended anybody, I’m really sorry about that.”National Restaurant Association president and chief executive Steven Anderson said the advert amounted to a “strong and direct insult to the 12.8 million Americans who work in the restaurant industry”. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co’s 30-second spot shows Federline, 28, performing in a glitzy music video. However, the punch line is that he is daydreaming - while frying chips at a fast-food joint. It is a “Saturday Night Live skit on myself. ... Maybe it’ll land me some good roles in Hollywood”, said Federline, whose debut rap album, Playing With Fire, has had dismal sales since its release last autumn. On Thursday, Federline’s lawyer confirmed that K-Fed and Spears would continue to share custody of their two young sons this month, following the terms of a January custody agreement. Spears filed for divorce from Federline in November after two years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences.“I’m a good father,” said Federline, who would not talk about his personal life. “I love my kids and I’ll always be here for them.”

In Happier Times Keven Federline And Britney Spears

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Friday, February 02, 2007


Britney Spears is collaborating with a top R'n'B producer on her new album.The 'Toxic' singer has been in Las Vegas since Tuesday working with Lukasz Gottwald, who has previously collaborated with Missy Elliot, Mos Def and Kelis. A source told People magazine: "Britney is really pulling out the big guns on this album. She's been partying a lot lately but she's been working in studios in Miami and Los Angeles too."She's rehearsing material, working hard and having fun all at the same time."The 25-year-old is staying in the Hugh Hefner Sky Villa of the Palm's hotel Fantasy Tower with her two sons, 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James. Britney recently spent the night with model Isaac Cohen in the same $25,000 suite, which comes complete with Jacuzzi, rotating bed and Infiniti pool.The singer will share joint custody of her two sons with estranged husband Kevin Federline for the month of February, after the temporary agreement for January was extended. Britney and Kevin are both seeking sole custody of the children.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Kevin Federline has allegedly turned down estranged wife Britney Spears' offer of a $25 million divorce settlement.The former dancer is reportedly asking for $50 million dollars - claiming he is not driven by greed, but love for his two sons with Britney. A source told America's Star magazine: "Kevin says Britney offered him $10 million to walk away from their marriage and to relinquish custody of their kids, but he just laughed. Then she came back with $20 million which he turned down too."Now he says she's offering a whopping $25 million, and that's her final offer. He told her to take a hike!"Britney, 25, filed for divorce from the 28-year-old wannabe rapper last November after two years of marriage. Both are seeking sole custody of their two sons, 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James.The source added: "He loves his two little boys, and there's no way he's going to disappear from their lives."

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Former Happy Couple Justin Timberlake And Britney Spears

Britney Spears wants ex-lover Justin Timberlake back, it has been claimed.The 'Toxic' singer - who lost her virginity to Justin - is desperate to rekindle her romance with the 'Sexy Back' singer now she has filed for divorce from Kevin Federline and he has split from Cameron Diaz. A source told the National Enquirer magazine: "Britney would love to have Justin back. They still talk a lot and she's been telling friends for months about how good Justin was for her."It has also been alleged that Britney, 25 - who has two sons, 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James, with Kevin - started dating model Isaac Cohen in attempt to make Justin jealous.The source added: "Britney gets an ego boost by parading her piece of eye candy around!" Britney hopes Justin will think more of her now she's been seen with a successful guy like Isaac, because she isn't hanging out with a loser like Kevin anymore. She wants to prove she can still land a good-looking, desirable guy."Since splitting from Cameron in December, Justin has been romantically linked to Scarlett Johansson.

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Saturday, January 27, 2007


Britney Spears will be offered the chance to play a group of sex-mad aliens on British sci-fi Tv show Doctor Who. Show writer Russell T Davies is a massive fan of the pop princess and wants to take the series to Hollywood so Spears can make a spectacular cameo playing a cloned extra-terrestrial. Davies says, "I'd love Britney to do it - it would be so much fun. "I'm not sure she'll come to Cardiff where the show is shot so I'm nagging the BBC to fund a Hollywood special." Meanwhile, In other Britney news, the Toxic singer went home to Kentwood, Louisiana this week to attend her aunt's funeral. The pop star, accompanied by her two young sons, jetted home last Sunday after hearing the sad news that Sandra Bridges Covington had lost her battle with breast cancer. The 59 year old passed away last weekend at her home in Greensburg, Louisiana. Spears joined her mother Lynne - Covington's sister - and other relatives at the funeral service in Amite, Louisiana on Tuesday. American publication Us Weekly reports Spears was hoping to dance off her grief - she went straight to a dance rehearsal at Screenland Studios in Burbank, California after jetting back to Los Angeles on Thursday.
They should make her a slut alien from outer space !

The hit British TV show Dr. Who

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Kevin Federline has begged estranged wife Britney Spears to go into rehab, it has been reported.The wannabe rapper - who split from Britney last November after two years of marriage - has been trying to persuade the singer to clean up her life and threatened to take their two sons away from her. A source told America's Star magazine: "Kevin has tried to convince Britney to check herself into rehab from every possible angle. First he tried threatening to take away the kids, and then he tried pleading with her to take care of herself."Kevin, 28, has even joined forces with Britney's mother Lynne in a last-ditch attempt to convince Britney to be a better mother to 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James.The source added: "Kevin is afraid that Britney is going to hurt herself."Britney isn't spending enough time with the kids. They are being raised by strangers. He has told Britney to get help before it's too late."Meanwhile, Britney, 25, has ended her relationship with Isaac Cohen.The 'Toxic' singer, who began dating the Los Angeles model just two weeks ago, announced they are no longer a couple.When questioned about her romance, Britney said: "We're not together anymore, by the way."

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Sunday, January 21, 2007


Britney Spears

Officials at Britney Spears' record label are urging fans not to be fooled by an Internet tune, which claims to be a leak of the pop star's new record. A new song on the You Tube Web site, which appears to be all about Britney's estranged husband Kevin Federline, features a Spears sound-a-like, but bosses at Jive Records insist it isn't the singer. On the track, called "Fed-Up," the faux-Britney sings, "You think you can walk all over me/And you think that I will just let you be/Now I'm going to do things differently." But a spokesman at Jive says, "It's not Britney."


Saturday, January 20, 2007


Kevin Federline And Ex. Britney Spears

Britney Spears is pregnant only 10 weeks after her split from Kevin Federline and four months after she gave birth to her second child. American magazine In Touch Weekly yesterday quoted a "close friend" of the troubled singer as saying they believed she was pregnant again. "I've seen her during the last two pregnancies and she has the same look now," the friend was quoted as saying. "She's heavier but that's not it – it's the sparkle in her eye. She always gets that sparkle when she's pregnant, like she's relaxed and happy." In the 10 weeks since her split from her husband, Spears has been partying hard. But reports in the US yesterday said she had been drinking nothing but water during recent nights out and pointed to a noticeable weight gain and several incidents where Spears had been sick or exhausted as clues that the soon-to-be-divorced star was pregnant again. If the stories are true it could also explain why Spears "fell asleep" – as quoted by her manager – during her paid appearance at Las Vegas nightclub Pure on New Year's Eve and why she was spotted having been sick over her new boyfriend Isaac Cohen, 25. Spears recently began dating Cohen, a male model, soon after ending a brief fling with record producer JR Rotem following her split with Federline. The singer gave birth to son Jayden James in September. That pregnancy began only three months after having her first child Sean Preston, who's now 18 months.
I can see if she is pregnant, that all the booze and partying must have done the baby good. What a great mother she is. Day and night partying and leaving her kids with the nanny. I'm starting to like K-Fed more and more. I can see what he put up with.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007


Ex Best Friends Paris Hilton And Britney Spears

Britney Spears has been uninvited from a lavish ball - as rival Paris Hilton will be in attendance.The 'Toxic' singer was due to attend the glitzy and elegant Vienna Opera Ball but has now been removed from the guest list due to her falling out with the hotel heiress. Paris, 25, is the guest of wealthy industrialist Richard Lugner and his wife Christina who in the past have invited high profile stars in an attempt to modernise the very traditional dance - a highlight of Austria's social calendar. Richard Lugner said: "Paris is a very good advertisement for the Opera Ball."When asked why Britney will no longer be attending, Christina Lugner said: "They unfortunately do not get along anymore."The two young stars were originally invited to the ball together.Paris is believed to be receiving $1 million for her attendance. Britney and Paris became best friends after the singer filed for divorce last November and were seen out together every night for almost two weeks.The pair suddenly parted ways for unknown reasons, although it is believed Britney's record company advised her that the friendship was not good for her image.

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Monday, January 15, 2007


Britney Spears and Isaac Cohen(Left) spent the night together in the Hugh Hefner suite of a Las Vegas hotel on Saturday night it has been reported.The pair stayed in the Fantasy Tower wing of The Palms hotel, in the $40,000-a-night, two-story Hugh Hefner Sky Villa, which has an 8ft rotating bed, a Jacuzzi, full bar and a glass elevator. A source said: "They seem very happy together."Britney and model-and-actor Isaac, both 25, were seen dancing and smoking cigarettes at gay nightclub 8 1/2 for about an hour before returning to their luxury suite. Staff at The Palms refused to comment.

Party Girl Britney Spears

Last Saturday, the 'Toxic' singer and Isaac were seen together on a speedboat off the coast of Marina del Rey, in California, and they met up the next night at the Whiskey Blue bar of Westwood's W Hotel. Britney filed for divorce from Kevin Federline last November. The couple have two sons together, 15-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James.

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Sunday, January 14, 2007


Britney Spears new man has seen alot in such a quick time. He's no doubt seen the Britney Spears no panties pictures, heard about her passing out and being called Kevin Federline 2.0. Isaac Cohen (Left) no doubt understood he would be photographed while dating our favorite slut but I bet he never expected to be photographed after being puked on by the toxic singer. Britney's new boytoy may have adopted Federline's dirty look, but I bet being vomited on was the last adverture he expected. And to top if off, the paparazzi got a shot ! X17 online has the photographs of what began as beautiful evening at The Abbey and at Teddy's. The photos show what appears to be a sick Britney after a little stop on Mulholland at 3 a.m. Cohen can be seen with what appears to be puke on his hands. On a better note, the couple was also seen enjoying each other's company at the W Hotel's Whiskey Blue bar, in Los Angeles, last Sunday night.

Britney Spears never puked on K-Fed

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Friday, January 12, 2007


Britney Spears showed her charitable side this week when she handed a tramp $300.The 'Toxic' singer was driving off after withdrawing a large amount of money from a cash machine on Wednesday, when she came to a stop at a Los Angles intersection. While her car was stationary a homeless man approached and knocked on the window. A source told Us Weekly magazine: "Britney rolled down the window and handed the guy $300. She said, 'Good luck and happy New Year!'"The guy almost had a heart attack."Britney's generous payout is apparently all part of her new positive outlook for 2007.The source added: "Britney wants to do good - for herself and the world.That's what she's all about this year."On the same day, the 25-year-old pop superstar was also seen picking up the latest addition to her family - a new puppy. Britney and her 15-month-old son Sean Preston visited the Pets of Bel Air store where the singer forked out $3,200 for the tea-cup apple head chihuahua, which she has reportedly named Snow White. Britney owned three other chihuahuas, Lucky, Lacy and Bit Bit, when she was married to Kevin Federline. It is not known if she still has the pooches.


Thursday, January 11, 2007


Britney Spears' new man is a look-a-like of her estranged husband Kevin Federline.The bikini-clad 'Toxic' singer was seen soaking up the sun with model-and-actor Isaac Cohen, 25, on a private speedboat off the coast of Marina del Rey, California, on Saturday.Britney's new companion appeared to have adopted Federline's rapper-gangster image, sporting fashionable stubble and wearing low-slung jeans and abandana. However, according to Cohen's agent, Brandi Lord, this is where the comparison ends, as, unlike Brintey's ex, Cohen is not "a player". Lord told People magazine: "He's got a great heart and a good family, and he was raised well. He's a gentleman."The couple were also seen enjoying each other's company at the W Hotel's Whiskey Blue bar, in Los Angeles, on Sunday night. Lord added that their relationship had developed within the "past month" and assured mother-of-two Britney that Cohen "is not out to get a name for himself".


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Sluts Paris Hilton with Britney Spears

Britney Spears and Paris Hilton have been named joint Worst Dressed Women of 2006.The partying pals have been dubbed the 'Screamgirls' by retired designer Richard Blackwell who named them the worst style offenders of the past year. Blackwell - who was a fashion designer for more than 30 years and one of the top Los Angeles designers in the 60s - said: "Paris and Britney are two peas in an overexposed pod."They are both style-free and fashion deprived. The 'screamgirls' have arrived!"The self-appointed fashion police officer has also launched a scathing attack on a host of other celebrities. In his 47th annual list, Blackwell places Lindsay Lohan at number three, claiming the actress is "tragically trapped in fashion's fast lane. She has gone from adorable to deplorable".

Super Slut Lindsay Lohan

Despite her recent makeover, Christina Aguilera failed to impress Blackwell,who said of the fourth placed star: "La Diva Christina is a fabulous singer, but she puts good taste through the wardrobe wringer! All crass, no class."Mariah Carey made the unwanted cut in fifth place, with Blackwell branding her a "Fashion Pariah" and the "Queen of Catastrophic Kitsch". Sharon Stone also appears in the 'bottom' 10, with Blackwell calling her,"An over-the-hill Cruella De Ville after the seismic shift". Beyoncé Knowles, Angelina Jolie, Katie Holmes and Kate Winslet all made it onto Blackwell's Fabulous Fashion Independents for 2006 list - which honors the best dressed women. Since Britney has been seen wearing a series of unflattering outfits, her stylist has tried to distance herself from the singer. Britt Bardo - who also works for Jennifer Lopez and Kate Hudson - insists she is not to blame for Britney's shocking wardrobe. Bardo told In Touch Weekly magazine: "Yes, I've done Britney Spears, but don't blame me OK?!"I try to make her up and she just takes everything off and does her own thing."

Designer Richard Blackwell

Worst Dressed Women of 2006

1) Britney Spears/Paris Hilton

2) Camilla Parker-Bowles

3) Lindsay Lohan

4) Christina Aguilera

5) Mariah Carey

6) Paula Abdul

7) Sharon Stone

8) Tori Spelling

9) Sandra Oh

10) Meryl Streep

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Britney Spears At Pure
Britney Spears' New Year's Eve collapse could cost her $400,000.The 'Toxic' singer was contracted to appear at Los Angeles' PURE night club for their New Year festivities, but she was forced to leave early after reportedly fainting. Club bosses are now demanding she hand back her appearance fee. A source said: "The moment a celebrity gets into one of those deals they are on the clock. They are watched to the minute, and they are not allowed to leave early. It's a contractual obligation."However, Britney's representative has dismissed the reports and a club spokeswoman has claimed her fee was "less than half" of the suggested $400,000 and insists she was not penalized for leaving early.The spokeswoman said: "Britney had a great time. We love her and can't wait for her to come back."

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Monday, January 08, 2007


Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have come to an agreement over custody of their two sons for the month of January. One-year-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James will live with Britney but with Kevin entitled to regular visits.The 28-year-old aspiring rapper will be allowed to see the boys three times a week for four hours between January 12 and January 31 at Britney's home. Both parties agreed that Britney, a nanny, Britney's personal assistant and household staff may be present during the visits but no one may interfere with Kevin's right to be with his sons. Britney filed for divorce from Kevin on November 7. The court papers stated that she was seeking sole custody of her sons. Kevin filed his divorce papers the next day and also asked for sole custody. No custody arrangements have yet been made for after January. Meanwhile, Britney has written a letter to her fans on her website,, admitting that her recent behaviour has been "less than perfect" but promising that she will have a new album out this year.She writes: "I know I've been far from perfect, but I want you all to know that I love my fans so much, and I appreciate everything you have done for me."The last couple of years have been very enlightening for me and now that I've had the time to be 'me', I've been able to sit down and think about where I want to go with myself as an entertainer. I am now more mature and feel like I am finally 'free'."I've been working so hard on this new album and I can't wait for you all to hear it and to go on tour again!"

Wild Britney Spears

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Sunday, January 07, 2007


Britney Spears

Britney Spears is at risk of being dropped by her record label "any day now".The 'Toxic' singer - who checked into a spa after collapsing from"exhaustion" at her New Year's Eve party in Las Vegas' PURE nightclub - is said to be damaging her relationship with Jive records with her wild partying. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "Like the rest of us, Jive is done with Britney Spears. They are going to drop the album, and her, any day now."Britney's manager Larry Rudolf said: "Britney knows her recent behaviour has been unacceptable but she is going through a rocky period."Rudolf insists the 25-year-old mother-of-two will soon be revamping her image and is currently recording her new album. As well as damaging her reputation through wild partying and being pictured on four occasions not wearing any underwear, Britney reportedly produced below-par tracks during her recent recording sessions at Jive's New York studios.However, a spokesman for the label has denied they are on the verge of dropping her, saying: "Jive's relationship with Britney is fine. She continues to be one of our biggest worldwide artists and we remain 1,000 percent committed to her career."


Friday, January 05, 2007


The 'Toxic' singer - who checked into a spa after collapsing from"exhaustion" at her New Year's Eve party in Las Vegas' PURE nightclub - is said to be damaging her relationship with Jive records with her wild partying. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "Like the rest of us, Jive is done with Britney Spears. They are going to drop the album, and her, any day now."Britney's manager Larry Rudolf said: "Britney knows her recent behaviour has been unacceptable but she is going through a rocky period."Rudolf insists the 25-year-old mother-of-two will soon be revamping her image and is currently recording her new album. As well as damaging her reputation through wild partying and being pictured on four occasions not wearing any underwear, Britney reportedly produced below-par tracks during her recent recording sessions at Jive's New York studios. However, a spokesman for the label has denied they are on the verge of dropping her, saying: "Jive's relationship with Britney is fine. She continues to be one of our biggest worldwide artists and we remain 1,000 percent committed to her career."
